Introverts Vs Extroverts: Who’s Best At Learning Languages?

Who do you think are better learners? The extroverts or the introverts?

Well, there is no 100% correct answer to this question. But what we know is that extroverts and introverts learn languages differently. Studies have shown that introverts who enjoy being alone more than being around others are quick to pick up foreign grammar and speech sounds, while extroverts who prefer spending time with other people are better at verbal and written communication.

Let’s take the Chinese language as an example. Introverts listen better when other people speak, compared to extroverts. However, extrovert language learners also have their own advantages. They are more likely to speak out and are not as afraid to make mistakes, thus, they are more likely to learn the Chinese language at a more accelerated rate.

Read on to get a better understanding of how extroverts and introverts learn differently!

Who Is Better At Language Learning?

First things first, let us define what an introvert and an extrovert is. Introverts are people who prefer calm environments, and recharge themselves by spending time alone. As such, they tend to be more reserved, and better listeners. On the flipside, extroverts are highly social people who gain energy by being with others, and they are typically more outspoken.

These two personality traits have a huge impact on how a person learns a language. For example, extroverts learning Chinese have been shown to achieve higher scores and better proficiency in speaking and reading. In comparison, introverts tend to suffer in those said areas but excel in listening and observing. This is because introverts tend to do better when it comes to comprehension and understanding of the language, as well as often have much wider vocabularies.

To Each His Own

Whether you’re more inclined towards being an introvert or extrovert, it doesn’t seem to matter as much as how diligent you are in your pursuit of a new language. The most important thing when picking up a new language is the attitude of the learner and the time spent practising the language.

Psychologists, linguists, instructors, as well as other experts, all raise valid points as to who excels at what. However, when it comes to language learning, it doesn’t really matter as much if you’re introverted or extroverted because there are so many aspects and areas to it.

A helpful tip for all learners: play to your strengths. If you’re an introverted individual, focus more on reading, observing, and understanding the language. Meanwhile, if you’re extroverted, focus more on your language, speaking, and communication skills. Regardless of which aspect you focus on, you’ll still end up having to blend them together.


You can’t learn Chinese and be fluent in it if you can only understand the language but not speak it properly. At the same time, you can’t be an effective communicator if you are only able to speak it well but don’t know how to understand the nuances of the language and that of its people.

Your personality shouldn’t be a clutch to language learning. Instead, knowing yourself and your learning style can help you find ways to improve your learning! If you need some extra help for the upcoming HSK test in Singapore, do not be afraid to sign up for some Chinese lessons!

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